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X (Twitter) in 2024: Latest Trends and Statistics

Twitter has always been a leader in social media, known for its fast-paced sharing of news and popular content. Throughout its history, it has been a key place to see what’s happening in the world and what people think about it. In 2024, Twitter keeps influencing our conversations and how companies talk to their customers. Its ability to deliver messages quickly, reach a lot of people, and get them talking makes it really important for anyone looking to market a product or idea.

This blog looks at the most recent data and popular types of content on Twitter as we see it in 2024. It’s packed with useful information for anyone in marketing or looking to grow their business. You’ll learn about the latest ways Twitter is being used and how you can use these ideas to make your brand more known and heard online.

Briefly About X (Twitter)

Twitter was created in March 2006 by four people: Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. It started in July 2006 as a place where you could post short messages, only 140 letters long, called tweets. It quickly became very popular all over the world. Even though Twitter later let people write longer tweets of up to 280 characters, it stayed a place for quick and lively chats. The reason Twitter became so big was that it played a key part in important events around the world and made it easy for celebrities to connect directly with fans.

In 2022, there was a big change for Twitter when Elon Musk, who runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought a lot of shares in it. Later, he bought all of Twitter for $44 billion. By 2023, the company changed and is now called X Corp. Despite these changes, it’s still one of the top social networks around the world and plays a big role in how people talk to each other and share news.

The Latest Twitter Statistics

Let’s dive into the latest statistics and trends shaping Twitter this year, offering unique insights for businesses, marketers, and those interested in some intriguing statistics.

Steady in the Social Media Race, X (Twitter) Has the 12th Place

According to Statista, Twitter holds its position as a significant player among social media giants, boasting a user base of 666 million monthly active users as of October 2023. This places it in the upper levels of social networks, although it trails behind giants like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok. Despite the fierce competition and the ever-changing dynamics of social media, X/Twitter maintains a strong user base.

Source: Statista

Global Reach of X (Twitter)

Twitter has a diverse global user base, with its presence spanning across various countries as of January 2023. The United States leads with the highest number of users, boasting an impressive 95.4 million. This is followed by Japan with 67.45 million users, reflecting the platform’s significant reach in the Asia-Pacific region. India and Brazil also show strong user numbers, with 27.25 million and 24.3 million respectively, while the UK holds the 6th place with 23.15 million users.

Source: Statista

Twitter’s Revenue: How It Makes Money

Twitter primarily makes its money through advertising. Over the years from the first quarter of 2013 to the second quarter of 2022, the revenue from advertising has shown a general upward trend, indicating that the majority of the platform’s income is generated from advertisers who pay to promote their products or services to Twitter’s user base.

Another source of income for Twitter is data licensing and other services, which includes selling data that can help businesses understand trends or build software that complements Twitter. While this segment also contributes to Twitter’s revenue, it’s a smaller portion compared to advertising.

Source: Statista

Social Media by the Hour: Twitter’s Weekly Usage

Twitter users in the United States spend an average of 1.1 hours per week on the platform as of January 2023. This is considerably less compared to other leading social media apps. For instance, TikTok leads with a substantial margin at 9.8 hours per week, indicating that its users are spending a lot more time on the app. YouTube follows next with 4.9 hours, then Facebook with 3.7 hours, Instagram with 3.1 hours, and Snapchat with 2.8 hours.

Twitter’s position, with the lowest average weekly hours spent per user, suggests that while the platform may have a dedicated user base, its users tend to spend their time more selectively on the app. This could be due to the nature of content on Twitter, which is often more informational and text-based, compared to the more entertainment-focused content found on platforms like TikTok and YouTube. Twitter’s role as a platform for current events, news, and quick updates might not require as much continuous engagement from users as other apps that are geared towards entertainment and longer content consumption sessions.

Source: Statista

Gender Dynamics on X (Twitter)

Twitter has a more pronounced gender disparity compared to other social networks, with males making up 63% of its user base. This is significantly higher than the male user percentage on platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok, where the gender distribution is more balanced. LinkedIn also shows a male-skewed user base but less so than Twitter.

Twitter’s position, with a higher proportion of male users, may reflect its unique appeal or the ways in which the platform is used differently from others that have a more even gender split. It suggests that Twitter’s content, format, or culture may resonate more with male users, or that the platform is leveraged differently by different genders for purposes such as news, professional networking, or public discourse.

This information could be particularly useful for marketers or content creators who are aiming to target their strategies by gender on social media, indicating that Twitter could be a more suitable platform for reaching a predominantly male audience.

Source: Statista

Significant Number of Millennials Choose X (Twitter)

Twitter is really popular with people who are between 25 and 34 years old. This group, often called millennials, isn’t just a big part of Twitter’s users — they’re also very important in how they use it. In fact, more than 38% of Twitter’s users around the world are from this age group. This shows that Twitter is a big part of life for people who like being connected right away and know a lot about using technology.

People in this age group are usually really good with tech and like to get information quickly. That’s why so many of them use Twitter. It lets them see news as it happens, share short bits of information easily, and talk to friends and others all over the world. They use Twitter for making connections, keeping up with what’s going on, and sharing their own thoughts and ideas fast, which fits just right with how they like to live and communicate.

Source: Statista

Gen Z Engagement on X (Twitter)

Based on the provided statistics, Gen Z, which includes the age group of 18-24 years, accounts for 17.1% of Twitter’s global users as of April 2021. This suggests that while not the largest demographic on Twitter, Gen Z has a notable presence on the platform. This age group is known for its digital nativity, growing up in a world where social media is a standard part of daily life.

While it’s a common belief that Gen Z is primarily interested in TikTok, the statistics highlight their significant engagement with Twitter as well. Gen Z enjoys using different kinds of social media for various reasons. It’s not all about watching quick, fun videos. They also like to join in on big conversations on Twitter and learn about all sorts of different topics. They use Twitter to get news as it happens, talk about important issues, and connect directly with famous people and companies. This shows that young people want to know what’s going on in the world, be a part of important conversations, and share their own thoughts on many subjects.

Twitter’s Solid Standing: High Brand Awareness in the UK

Twitter is well-known in the United Kingdom, with a brand awareness rate of 92% in 2023. This places Twitter among the top social networks in terms of brand recognition. It ranks equally with Instagram and only slightly behind the giants YouTube and Facebook, which have 95% and 94% brand awareness respectively. TikTok also shares this high level of recognition with Twitter.

Source: Statista

Emoji Evolution on X (Twitter)

Back in July 2013, a modest 4.25% of tweets were adorned with at least one emoji. Fast forward to March 2023, and this figure has swelled to an expressive 26.7% of tweets incorporating these vibrant symbols. In the United States, users have cited ‘fun’ as the primary reasons behind their emoji use, leveraging these pictographs to infuse humour, sarcasm, or just a splash of personality into their tweets.

Source: Statista

Popular Emojis

Source: Statista

Making Sense of These Twitter’s Data

These statistics we’ve discussed paint a comprehensive picture of Twitter’s role and influence within the broader social media landscape. From its demographic leanings and brand recognition in the UK to the gender disparity among its user base and the time users spend on the platform, each metric offers valuable insights.

For marketers, understanding that Twitter has a predominantly male audience might steer the direction of content creation and targeted advertising. Understanding how well-known Twitter is among users in the UK can help with regional campaign planning. Furthermore, knowing that users spend less time on Twitter weekly compared to other platforms could suggest a need for more engaging or condensed content that fits into the brief interactions typical of Twitter usage.

For businesses and strategists, these statistics are not just numbers; they are guideposts pointing toward more informed decisions. They help fine-tune social media strategies, allowing for a nuanced approach to content creation, customer engagement, and advertising. By leveraging these insights, one can craft compelling narratives, foster meaningful interactions, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates in a space where attention is fleeting but incredibly impactful.

Enjoyed our deep dive into Twitter stats? There’s more where that came from! Check out our other blog posts for more insights and tips:

About the Author

  • Szilvia Gagyi

    Szilvia is a skilled professional with in-depth understanding of SEO, PPC marketing, and the art of crafting compelling content. Szilvia has been instrumental in helping businesses achieve their online objectives as a result of her creative profession and keen understanding of digital marketing strategies.

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