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Marketing Tips and Advice

Marketing to Gen Z

Marketing to Gen Z requires a fresh and adaptive approach. Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, are digital natives. They have grown up with smartphones, social media, and instant access to information. Their shopping habits and preferences are vastly different from previous generations. When we are talking about marketing to Gen Z effectively, […]

Influencer Statistics: The Numbers Behind the Influence

Influencers have changed the way brands connect with consumers. They offer authenticity in an increasingly ad-averse online environment, providing personal testimonials and in-depth product reviews. This authenticity is crucial as consumers grow more sceptical of traditional advertising and more responsive to peer recommendations. Moreover, influencers have the power to set trends and inspire movements, from […]

Social Media Insights: Statistics about Instagram Users

Social media started in the late 1990s with sites like SixDegrees, which allowed users to create profiles and connect with friends. It was a novel idea, setting the stage for the platforms that would later dominate the digital world. However, it wasn’t until platforms like MySpace and Facebook launched in the early 2000s that social […]

From Likes to Sales: What is Social Commerce?

Social media dominates much of our daily lives. It’s no surprise that these social platforms have evolved beyond mere networking sites into powerful ecommerce channels. This transformation has given rise to what we now recognise as social commerce, a trend that is redefining how brands connect with the most adaptable generation of consumers. This blog […]

Best AI Tools for Content Marketing in 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, offering tools that enhance creativity, efficiency, and engagement in content marketing. From crafting compelling narratives to creating stunning visuals, AI tools are transforming how brands connect with their audience. Let’s explore some of the top AI tools that are now transforming content marketing. 1. Jasper AI Jasper […]

X (Twitter) in 2024: Latest Trends and Statistics

Twitter has always been a leader in social media, known for its fast-paced sharing of news and popular content. Throughout its history, it has been a key place to see what’s happening in the world and what people think about it. In 2024, Twitter keeps influencing our conversations and how companies talk to their customers. […]

Decoding Gen Z: Effective Marketing Strategies for the New Generation

As digital marketers, understanding and adapting to the evolving consumer demographics is crucial. Enter Generation Z: born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, they are not just digital natives but also digital experts. Their influence on the market is substantial, and their preferences and values significantly differ from previous generations. So, how do we […]

Interesting TikTok Stats in 2024

TikTok, the video-sharing app under the ownership of the Beijing-based tech giant ByteDance, had its origins in China, debuting as Douyin in 2016. However, its global counterpart quickly transcended borders, creating an international sensation that has consistently attracted millions of new users annually. While initially dismissed as a fleeting teenage trend, TikTok has defied expectations, […]