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Is SEO Dead in 2024? And Why Not?

As long as there are search engines and organic traffic, the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) will continue to be relevant and essential. SEO revolves around optimising websites and online content to improve their visibility in search engine results, ultimately driving organic (non-paid) traffic to those sites.

As long as people use search engines to discover information, products, and services, there will be a need for effective SEO practices to ensure that websites can be found and accessed by their target audiences. SEO continues to be an essential digital marketing practice for businesses and organisations that want to improve their online visibility, attract organic traffic, and reach their target audience.

However, SEO practices continue to evolve due to changes in search engine algorithms, user behaviour, and technological advancements. Adapting to these changes is crucial for maintaining effective SEO strategies and ensuring the ongoing success of websites and online businesses.

It’s important to note that SEO has evolved beyond just keyword optimisation and now encompasses various aspects such as content quality, user experience, mobile optimisation, voice search, semantic search, and more. Additionally, the role of AI and machine learning in shaping SEO practices is expected to increase, making it an even more dynamic field.

SEO Evolution

Over the last decade, Google’s dominant position in the search engine landscape has led to the introduction of several major updates, each of which has significantly influenced the best practices for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has undergone a significant evolution since its inception, driven by the dynamic nature of search engines, user behaviours, and technological advancements. This evolution spans several phases, each marked by distinct strategies, trends, and challenges. Here’s an overview of the key stages in the evolution of SEO:

  1. Early Days (1990s-2000s): In the early days of the internet, search engines like Yahoo, AltaVista, and early versions of Google relied on basic algorithms that primarily focused on on-page factors like keyword density and meta tags. SEO practitioners heavily emphasised keyword stuffing and other manipulative tactics to rank higher.
  2. Keyword-Centric Era (2000s-2010s): As search engines evolved, algorithms became more sophisticated, and Google emerged as the dominant player. This era was characterised by a heavy emphasis on keyword optimisation. Marketers strived to rank for specific keywords, leading to practices like keyword stuffing, hidden text, and link farming.
  3. Content Quality and Relevance (Mid-2010s): Google’s algorithm updates, such as Panda and Penguin, aimed to improve the quality and relevance of search results. These updates penalised low-quality content, keyword stuffing, and manipulative linking practices. The focus shifted to creating high-quality, valuable content that resonated with users and solved their problems.
  4. Mobile and User Experience (Late 2010s): With the rise of mobile devices, search engines began prioritising mobile-friendly websites. Google’s mobile-first indexing meant that websites had to provide seamless experiences across devices. User experience (UX) became a key factor, with page speed, responsive design, and mobile optimisation playing crucial roles in SEO rankings.
  5. Semantic Search and AI (2010s-Present): Google’s algorithm updates, including Hummingbird and RankBrain, introduced elements of semantic search and artificial intelligence. This allowed search engines to better understand user intent and context, enabling them to provide more relevant results even when the query didn’t exactly match the keywords. Voice search and natural language processing also gained prominence during this phase.
  6. User Intent and Personalisation (Present-Future): Search engines are increasingly focusing on understanding user intent and delivering personalised results. This requires a deeper understanding of the user’s search history, preferences, and behaviour. SEO strategies are shifting towards optimising for user intent rather than just keywords.
  7. E-A-T and Authority (Present-Future): Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) have become critical factors in SEO. Search engines are placing greater emphasis on content from authoritative sources, especially in fields that require expertise and credibility. Building a strong brand reputation and establishing thought leadership are crucial for maintaining high rankings.
  8. Visual and Video Search (Future): As visual search and video content consumption continue to rise, SEO is expected to evolve to accommodate these formats. Optimising for image and video search, as well as leveraging platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest, will likely become more important.
  9. AI-Driven SEO (Future): Artificial intelligence and machine learning are poised to further revolutionise SEO. AI-driven tools can help analyse vast amounts of data, predict trends, and automate certain optimisation tasks, making SEO more efficient and effective.

Why Some People Believe That SEO Is Dead?

There’s a puzzling idea that SEO is no longer effective. However, the truth is quite different – SEO is very much alive. But why do some people believe otherwise? Let’s explore this paradox.

The belief that SEO is dead often comes from not understanding how it’s changed over time. Search engines used to be basic, just matching keywords. But now, they’re much smarter. They understand what people are looking for and consider many factors beyond keywords. SEO today is a complex mix of good content, technical know-how, making websites easy to use, and getting reputable websites to link to yours.

Some people stick to old-fashioned SEO methods that don’t work anymore. They might stuff keywords into their content or use outdated tactics. It’s like using an old map to navigate new terrain – they’re not getting the best results because they’re not up to date.

Adding to this, some think SEO has become harder. With new technology, search engines are pickier about what they show in their results. They want good content, easy-to-use websites, and trustworthy links. This might make some people feel overwhelmed.

But the truth is, today’s SEO is about creating great content that people love, optimising for mobile and voice search, and making sure websites are user-friendly. It’s a mix of skills that work together to make websites show up in search results. SEO is not dead – it’s evolved into a smarter and more complex strategy.

Ineffective, Outdated SEO tactics in 2024

Outdated SEO tactics are strategies and techniques that were once effective for improving search engine rankings but have become obsolete due to changes in search engine algorithms, user behaviours, and best practices. Using these outdated tactics can not only result in poor rankings but also potentially lead to penalties from search engines. Here are some examples of outdated SEO tactics:

1. Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing was once a prevalent tactic employed to manipulate search engine rankings by excessively incorporating keywords into content. The intention was to signal to search engines that a particular page was highly relevant to a specific keyword. However, as search engines became more sophisticated and prioritised user experience, this practice fell out of favour.

For example: In the past, if someone was searching for information about “healthy recipes for weight loss“, a webpage might have employed keyword stuffing with a paragraph like:

In this instance, keyword stuffing is unmistakable, with the targeted phrase repeated excessively and unnaturally. However, this tactic not only disrupts the article’s flow and readability but also offers minimal value to readers seeking genuine guidance on healthy recipes for weight loss. The user experience is compromised, leading to frustration and quick exits.

Furthermore, modern search engines have evolved to identify these manipulative practices, which can result in ranking penalties or even removal from search results. In contrast, contemporary SEO emphasises creating comprehensive, user-centric content that provides authentic value and addresses users’ needs organically, fostering a positive experience and higher credibility.

2. Over-Optimised Anchor Text

Over-optimised anchor text refers to the practice of using exact-match keywords excessively within the clickable text of hyperlinks, often in an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings. While anchor text is a valuable way to provide context about the linked content, overusing exact-match keywords can raise red flags for search engines and potentially lead to negative consequences.

For instance: Consider an article centred around “best hiking gear”, where over-optimised anchor text is used extensively. An example of such over-optimised anchor text could read:

Beyond its impact on user experience, this practice triggers alarm bells for search engines, which detect unnatural manipulation in linking practices. Today, modern search engines are equipped with sophisticated algorithms that discern patterns indicative of over-optimisation. As a result, websites that deploy over-optimised anchor text risk penalties that could significantly dent their search engine rankings.

In response, contemporary SEO strategies focus on achieving a balance between anchor text relevance and naturalness. A well-executed approach involves using anchor text that offers context to users without excessively relying on exact-match keywords. This ensures that users receive valuable information without encountering content that appears contrived.

3. Duplicate Content

Duplicate content refers to the practice of reusing or copying content from one source and presenting it on another website, page, or URL. This practice can result in search engines struggling to determine which version to rank, leading to potential ranking penalties and a less favourable user experience.


  • Content Replication: Imagine two websites in the same niche, both sharing the same product descriptions for a particular set of items. When the product descriptions are identical, search engines may have difficulty determining which website should be ranked higher for relevant queries.
  • Article Syndication: Article syndication involves publishing an article on multiple websites. If the same article appears across several sites without proper canonical tags or attribution, it can lead to confusion for search engines and diluted ranking potential.

Search engines aim to provide users with diverse, relevant, and valuable content. When duplicate content is detected, search engines might choose one version to display and may demote or exclude other versions from search results to avoid redundancy. This can lead to reduced visibility for the duplicated content and the potential for ranking penalties.

Various Forms of Duplicate Content:

Duplicate content can take various forms, and there are several types of duplicate content that websites should be aware of. Here are some common variations of duplicate content:

  • Identical Content: This is the most straightforward form of duplicate content where the same content is present on multiple pages or websites. It can occur intentionally or unintentionally, such as when content is copied and pasted verbatim.
  • Near-Identical Content: Content that is very similar, with minor changes or variations, can also be flagged as duplicate content. This includes content that uses synonyms or rephrases sentences but still maintains a high level of similarity.
  • Duplicate URL Parameters: URLs that include different parameters but display the same content can be perceived as duplicate content. This often happens in e-commerce sites where filters or sorting options generate multiple URLs for the same product listing.
  • Boilerplate Content: Commonly shared elements like headers, footers, and navigation menus can appear across multiple pages, potentially causing duplicate content issues.
  • Syndicated Content: Content that’s republished on multiple websites, particularly without proper attribution or canonicalization, can lead to duplicate content problems.
  • Duplicate Title Tags and Meta Descriptions: Having multiple pages with the same title tags and meta descriptions can confuse search engines and result in lower rankings. Each page should have unique and descriptive title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Product Descriptions in E-commerce: Ecommerce sites often duplicate product descriptions across various listings. By duplicating and reusing the same product descriptions across an ecommerce site, you inadvertently create an environment where search engines, particularly Google, struggle to determine which version of the content should be prioritised. The result is a potential downgrade in ranking for those duplicated product pages.
  • International Duplicate Content: Websites that have the same content across different language or country versions might face duplicate content issues unless hreflang tags are used to indicate language or regional targeting.

It’s important to note that not all instances of duplicate content are equally harmful. Some variations might not lead to penalties but could impact how search engines understand and rank your content. To mitigate the effects of duplicate content, strategies such as using canonical tags, implementing proper URL structure, setting up hreflang tags for internationalisation, and creating high-quality, original content are essential.

4. Paid Link Schemes and Link Farming

  • Paid Link Schemes: purchasing or exchanging links with the intention of artificially boosting a website’s search engine rankings. This was often done through direct transactions or arrangements where monetary compensation was exchanged for links from other websites. These paid link schemes aimed to manipulate search engines by artificially inflating the number of backlinks, regardless of the quality or relevance of the linking site. Such practices, however, violate search engine guidelines and can lead to penalties.
  • Link Farming: involves creating networks of websites with the primary intent of artificially boosting search engine rankings through excessive linking among these sites. These networks, known as link farms, typically feature low-quality content and numerous outbound links, often unrelated to the website’s niche. The purpose of link farming is to manipulate search engines’ algorithms by artificially inflating the number of backlinks pointing to a website. However, search engines have evolved to detect and penalise such schemes, as they prioritize the natural and authoritative acquisition of backlinks. Websites that engage in link farming can face ranking penalties, reduced visibility, and even removal from search results.

5. Ignoring User Experience (UX)

Prioritising user experience (UX) is indeed one of the best and most essential SEO practices in the modern digital landscape. The significance of UX has grown exponentially as search engines have evolved to better understand user behaviour and intent.

Neglecting user experience (UX) in website design and functionality can have detrimental effects on both user engagement and search engine rankings. User-centric design principles, which prioritise creating a positive and seamless experience for visitors, are crucial in today’s SEO. Disregarding factors such as slow page loading times, intrusive ads, and confusing navigation can result in frustrated visitors, leading to lower engagement and diminished rankings.

A modern SEO strategy places user experience at the forefront of website design and optimisation. Websites that prioritise fast loading times, clear navigation, mobile responsiveness, and an absence of intrusive elements are rewarded with improved rankings and greater user satisfaction. A seamless experience encourages visitors to stay longer, explore more content, and interact positively, ultimately enhancing the overall visibility and credibility of the website.

Examples of Ignoring User Experience:

  1. Slow Page Loading Times: When a website takes too long to load, users are likely to abandon it and seek information elsewhere. Slow-loading pages not only frustrate visitors but also negatively impact bounce rates, which search engines consider when assessing a site’s quality and relevance.
  2. Intrusive Ads: Pop-up ads, auto-playing videos with sound, and other intrusive elements can disrupt the user experience. Sites that overwhelm users with ads are likely to be perceived as untrustworthy and annoying, causing users to leave quickly and harming the site’s ranking potential.
  3. Convoluted Navigation: Websites with confusing or unintuitive navigation make it difficult for users to find the information they’re looking for. A convoluted navigation structure not only frustrates visitors but also diminishes the chances of users exploring more of the site’s content, negatively impacting engagement metrics.

So, What Does SEO Look Like in 2024?

When people search for things online, they have specific intentions. They want answers or solutions. SEO today is about understanding what people want when they search and making sure your website provides that. It’s like being a mind reader and giving them exactly what they need. In a nutshell, SEO in 2024 is like a sophisticated recipe that blends quality content, user-friendly design, technical finesse, and the magic of technology. It’s not about fooling search engines, but about making your website genuinely useful and appealing to visitors.

At Netzoll, we don’t believe in shortcuts or outdated tactics. Instead, we’re committed to crafting a bespoke SEO strategy tailored to your unique needs and goals. We dive deep into understanding your audience, identifying their needs, and aligning your online presence with their intentions.

Our approach isn’t about tricking search engines; it’s about providing genuine value to your visitors. We’ll optimise your website for lightning-fast loading times, seamless mobile experiences, and intuitive navigation. We’ll create compelling content that answers questions, solves problems, and resonates with your target audience. But what truly sets us apart is our commitment to staying ahead of the curve. We’re not content with yesterday’s knowledge; we’re constantly learning and adapting to the latest SEO trends and technologies.

So, if you’ve ever wondered, ‘Is SEO dead?’ – the answer is a resounding no. But it has evolved into a complex, multifaceted discipline that requires expertise, dedication, and a forward-thinking approach. If you’re ready to take your online presence to the next level and embrace the full potential of modern SEO, contact us today.

About the Author

  • Szilvia Gagyi

    Szilvia is a skilled professional with in-depth understanding of SEO, PPC marketing, and the art of crafting compelling content. Szilvia has been instrumental in helping businesses achieve their online objectives as a result of her creative profession and keen understanding of digital marketing strategies.

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